
Build Out Update

It’s been a whirlwind of a month since we got our plans approved by the city. Our awesome team of contractors got started immediately with plumbing, electric, and putting up the walls for the kiln room. We were expecting to be a lot more hands-on with the build out, but luckily, our head contractor (foreman? master coordinator?), Dave Murray, is excellent and has been taking care of everything for us. Turns out that’s a good thing, because we’ve had our work cut out for us with hiring, ordering, and getting all of our administrative ducks in a row 🦆.

This past week in particular has been eventful since we started the hiring process and got shipments for our kilns, chairs, and a bunch of other supplies! The chairs were a surprise and came earlier than expected, so we had a late night getting 33 giant boxes from the space and bringing them back to the garage, so the contractors can work on the floors. We’re super grateful we had the space😄.

Feels awesome to finally be making progress!
